My favorite beauty products by gusta88 featuring a gold nailpolish
- Bare Minerals Brush. I've used these brushes since my bare minerals phase freshman year of college. I grew out of their make up (Chrome doesn't sell it, AKA, I don't believe in it) but stayed faithful to the line's tools. Kind of like lose the boy keep the toy. Kind of.
- Visible Lift by L'oreal. I am not a faithful "foundation/base make up" user. I switch literally every time I buy. I've tried the mouse versions, the Maybelline FIT line, Covergirl, the translucent powder crap and so on. My favorite is actually the Cargo brand...
But it is a little bit out of my budg. My latest try-out foundation is Visible Lift by L'Oreal and I'm more impressed with it than any other Walgreens brand. I feel like I wear less make up when I put this on. Which is always good since the other day, wearing a different brand, my dad offered to hand me a knife to carve off my make up. Thanks, dad.
- BB Cream Youth Code by L'oreal. Tried this for the first time today. You can't turn on the TV or open a magazine without being bombarded by BB cream ads. IT'S ALL THE RAGE. Needless to say, it really IS all it's cracked up to be. I put it on before the foundation and since it's tinted, you don't need as much make up. OH AND MY FACE IS AS SOFT AS A WIDDLE BAYBAY'S.
- Neutrogena SPF moisturizer. If you don't put on SPF everyday, WHAT THE EF ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE??????????? Everyone should. Except men, because they eat what they want and do what they want and get younger and fitter every day. I'm talking to you women-hags out there. Put on SPF. EVERY DAY. Technically we are supposed to reapply it throughout the day but ain't nobody got time for dat.
- St. Ives Timeless Skin. I'm that annoying 21 year old person who puts on anti-aging cream every night. START YOUNG, STAY YOUNG BITCHES. I bought this cream because I read on Pinterest #storyofmylife that it's just as good as the department store brands. While I'm sure that's absolutely not true, it gives me a false impression that I am doing something good for my face every night and for that I am forever thankful to Saint Ives, which by the way, when I was little (probably until age 16) I called it Stives.
- VASELINE, Y'ALL. I was cursed with dry skin that is faintly similar to the dry cracked desert ruins that which I live in. In the winter, I oft have to slather my chin in good ol' Vas because my skin just literally peels off of my face, it's cruel and unusual. One time a dear kappa friend asked me, "Did you make out with that sandpaper face guy again?" No. That, I did not. (refer to augusta goes on a date blog).
- My blush spiel. Okay, here we go. I'm about to talk about blush. I started wearing it, oh, I believe freshman year of college, and I do believe it changed my life. OMG MY FACE HAS DIMENSION, says I. And then I heard of the magic and wonder that is NARS blush in the "Orgasm" shade. This is the most popular blush in America. Women DIE FOR THIS SH*T. NARS even came out with a "Super Orgasm" shade.
Here we have, the Super Orgasm. IF YOU CAN'T ALREADY TELL, THERE IS GLITTER SPARKLE SHINE IN THIS. Or what the professionals call it, "ShImMeR" MY DEAR FRIENDS. SHIMMER IS CODE FOR TACKY MARIAH CAREY STYLE GLITTER. No self respecting woman purposely puts "SHIMMER" on her face before she goes out to take on the world. The ONLY reason women slap this on their face is because it is called "orgasm." If this was the Wet n' Wild brand, called, "grandma's favorite color" NO ONE WOULD BUY IT. It's actually really genius, NARS and their sneaky ways. Good product branding. They also have a blush shade called "Deep Throat" which I think is completely inappropriate, and that is coming from a inappropriate person.
- Bronzer. Not picky. Maybelline FIT brand is just fine.
- Too Faced Eye Shadow. OBSESSED with this. It's probably really high school of me, but just one little set of that crap will last me years. And it better, because it's like thirty something a pop. Each little set comes with little cards that explain how to put on eye shadow for all you idiots out there that don't know what to do with your hands.
- Voluminous mascara by L'Oreal. I take mascara seriously. My eyelashes are my only good feature. Some people have great boobs, or great legs, or great lips. AUGUSTA NEAL HAS GREAT INCOMPARABLE EYE LASHES. I have used this brand since high school. I do not stray from the Voluminous. I buy it two at a time because I go through that crap more than iTunes goes through updates.
- Eye Cream by Simple. I have puffy eyes. I just do. My mom tells me to just put cucumbers in my eyes but I don't have patience for that. EyE LyKe Dis StUfF.
- John Frieda for Blondes. It keeps your blonde hair.... . . .blonde.
- Sinful nail polish in black. BLACK NAIL POLISH IS HERE TO STAY.
- Essie "good as gold" LUV DIS COLOR Y'ALL. I've been sporting it since July and although Essie is one of the more expensive brands, it's been 5 months and it still hasn't gone bad. SO IT'S WORTH ALL EIGHT DOLL HAIRS.
- Euphoria by Calvin Klein. I'd like to think this is my signature scent. However, I'm out of it :( So I either A) need mas or B) need to find another signature scent or C!!!!!) BOTH!!!!!!!
- Wet n Wild in nouveau pink. I feel like a prostitute wearing lipstick that is less than a dollar, but I JUST SRSLY LYKE THIS COLOR OF PINK. It's bright and says "I'm young enough to be able to both pull this off and get away with it if I ever look back and regret it."
- Nars lipstick in "gipsy" It's a subdued red that works for white girls, and most likely, you need it.