Unless you live under a rock with the Geico men, you're aware of the chunky/Nordic/Navajo/knit sweater epidemic that is taking the nation by storm.

Here we have the always fabulous Victoria Beckham, and a model from a D&G runway
Comfy cute trends like these amplify my dream of living in cold dreary places like Boston or NYC. But being steadfast on the trends, you can bet your bottom dollar I will rep me a Nord in the west Texas sun. Paired with denim shorts naturally.
You would think this trend would be easy to come by and easy to afford, I mean it's a granny sweater!!!! No no no. I have seen these garments running for over $200. Like really??!? Anyone who knows me at all knows I understand brand equity and will splurge on a $60 turban from Gold Saturn or a to-die-for ring by House of Harlow for $80. But when a free people chunky knit looks the same as my moms from the 70s is when I realize the bang, or lack there of, for my buck.
You would think this trend would be easy to come by and easy to afford, I mean it's a granny sweater!!!! No no no. I have seen these garments running for over $200. Like really??!? Anyone who knows me at all knows I understand brand equity and will splurge on a $60 turban from Gold Saturn or a to-die-for ring by House of Harlow for $80. But when a free people chunky knit looks the same as my moms from the 70s is when I realize the bang, or lack there of, for my buck.
This cardigan by free people is $298. Click the pic.

iCringe. I don't care if it's Saks. It's a mountain man grandpa sweater and I'm not taking out a loan to buy the damn thang.
I have already blogged about my $20 shopping spree at a consignment store. I bought like 15 things, one of those items being a Nordic sweater.... for 2 dollars.
FOR TWO DOLL HAIRS, Y'ALL. And rest assured I be working that pull over like it's from Neimans. Rest. Ah. Sured.
Off subject, one of my favorite breakfasts is toast. I like to top them with butter and honey, butter and jelly, nutella and bananas, peanut pr butter and bananas. I also recently discovered the magic and wonders of the BeFunky iPhone pic editor app. So naturally I had to take a picture of my toast, edit it on the app, and blog about it.
Story of my life.
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